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Age 67 is nearing, goals seem more important than ever…Sort out a closet, go to the gym more often, budget… but for goodness sake relax and have some fun too!21h ago121h ago1
Published inSmall StepsThree Simple Steps to Living Clutter-free!Recently, I realized that my mother followed three simple rules to stay organized.Sep 5, 20233Sep 5, 20233
Published inSmall StepsA Positive Mindset for Chore Lists!Simple ideas for better results with your daily to-do lists.Jun 6, 20234Jun 6, 20234
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Published inFashion PoliceWorking Sustainable Product Choices into the BudgetAre eco-friendly products affordable?Mar 18, 20231Mar 18, 20231
Published inSmall StepsMinimizing Food Shopping and CookingThree simple steps helped me streamline my groceries and meals!Feb 27, 20234Feb 27, 20234
Money Challenges? Small Steps to Stay on BudgetOvercome setbacks with financial responsibilities and stay on track.Feb 17, 20231Feb 17, 20231